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Content Knowledge

Claude Debussy Research Paper: To be a well rounded musician and music educator, one must have mastered the various aspects found within music such as music theory, musicianship, history, and educational methods. Writing a research paper is a way one can showcase  the deep level of understanding and knowledge one has in his or her area of study. By careful and in depth research of Claude Debussy's two books of Images for solo piano, a higher level of understanding is reached, which can be shared with students in the classroom.

PreK-6 Lesson Plans: To be a successful teacher, one should  know how to craft lessons that are developmentally appropriate for all ages. These eight lesson plans  target PreK-6th grade students. Each lesson focuses on one of the eight musical elements in order as: form, harmony, rhythm, melody, timbre, dynamics, texture, and style. 

Dean's List Towson University: To successfully make it on the Dean's list one must maintaint a grade point average of a 3.5 or higher. To be a student on the Dean's List not only portrays the academic success of the student, but also depicts their hard work, determination, and dedication in his or her academic career. 

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